Innovation from the Moon to Mars

The Space Technology and Exploration Directorate (STED) at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) advances science, space technology and exploration through enabling technologies, strategic partnerships and collaborations. Founded in 1917 as the nation’s first civilian aeronautics research and development laboratory, LaRC is a critical national R&D center supporting aeronautics, science and space missions. STED works with partners across the industry, academia and other government agencies with interests in LaRC’s space technologies, test facilities and applications to innovate, develop and deliver mission enabling space technologies for science and exploration.

Focus Areas

  • Autonomous In-Space Assembly
  • Entry, Decent and Landing (EDL)
  • Exploration Architecture and Systems Analysis
  • Space Habitation / Radiation Protection / Gateway
  • Structures and Materials, Advanced Manufacturing



The NASA Engineer Who’s a Mathematician at Heart

Just before World War II, the American civil rights activist A. Philip Randolph persuaded President Roosevelt to end discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in defense-industry employment. Not long after, in 1941, Roosevelt issued executive order 8802, prompting several agencies, including the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics — NACA, the precursor to NASA — …

Orion Test Article Ready to Make Another Splash for Artemis

The Orion spacecraft Structural Test Article (STA) completed its cross-country road trip Tuesday to NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia in preparation for a series of water impact tests at the center’s Landing and Impact Research Facility, or gantry.a The tests, scheduled for early 2021, will look similar to previous tests. This time, however, the crew module …

NASA Announces Moon Supply Unloading System Design Winners

NASA has selected five 3D model submissions to the Advanced Lightweight Lunar Gantry for Operations (ALLGO) challenge. The ideas offer potential ways to unload supplies on the Moon, something NASA is considering as it works toward sustainable exploration under the Artemis program. The challenge supports NASA’s ALLGO feasibility study to develop an innovative lightweight gantry system using inflatable …